Solving fractional equations

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Enter a fraction as (Numerator/Denominator), e.g. (5x+3)/(4x) for

To solve a fractional equation, first try to eliminate the unknown variable out of the denominator and then solve the equation just like a normal equation. But keep in mind that a solution is not allowed to be a root of the denominator. (In that case you have a definition gap). A fractional equation is an equation containing fractional terms. To solve it, it makes sense to get rid of the fractional term by transformations. Then you treat it as a normal equation. Solving fractional equations often leads to quadratic equations.

Solving fractional equations

Mathepower can solve fractional equations. Just enter your fractional equation and it gets solved. Mathepower helps you with all math exercises for school.
A fractional equation is an equation having the variable in the denominator. Therefore, it can have one or more gaps of definition.